Tuesday, April 28, 2015

But what happens to the boys?

With all the statistics pointing to the fact that single-sex schooling is quite advantageous for girls, a very important question to ask is: what happens to the boys? By taking females out of the picture and leaving only males in the classroom, what does this do? Is single-sex schooling only advantageous to females or do boys benefit too?

The New York Times published an article titled, "At Colleges, Women are Leaving Men in the Dust", it outlines the current problem with males attending traditional co-educational schools. 

The article states, "From the time they are young, boys are far more likely than girls to be suspended or expelled, or have a learning disability or emotional problem diagnosed. As teenagers, they are more likely to drop out of high school, commit suicide or be incarcerated. Such difficulties can have echoes even in college men...They have a sense of lassitude, a lack of focus," said William Pollack, director of the Centers for Men and Young Men at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School."

"Researchers say such differences make sense, given boys' experience in their earlier school years. And some experts argue that what is being seen as a boy problem is actually maleness itself, with the noisy, energetic antsiness and high jinks of young boys now redefined as a behavior problem by teachers who do not know how to handle them"

In an article from the National Education Association, it has been noted that certain male behaviors are corrected to maintain order and behavior among both the boys and girls. One may then logically deduce that an institution focused solely on male educational achievement, there are more teachers that are willing to "handle" these male issues presented that may be "overlooked" at co-ed schools. By focusing in and having a teaching approach that is explicitly intended for males, some of these negative trends on behalf of male college performance may be undone. 

Additionally, by eliminating the social factor of females, certain males behaviors such as those thought in biology to be "male instinctual" to "acquire a mate" may also be factored out. Males would no longer have the competitiveness such as "showing off to the ladies" and may be more inclined to focus more on academic achievement. 

Overall, males benefit from single-sex schools as well. Although differently than females, it can be seen that overall females and males have advantageous to going to single sex schools. So, can we logically say that single-sex schooling overall is the path to choose…whether it be for the benefit or females or males? 

Source: Lewin, Tamar. "At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust." The New York Times. The   
     New York Times, 08 July 2006. Web. 28 Apr. 2015.

Source: Sikora, Joanna. "Gender Gap In School Science: Are Single-Sex Schools Important?." Sex 
     Roles 70.9/10 (2014): 400-415. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Feb. 2015.

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